County flies new flag after resident offers to pay

The new state flag flies between the American flag and the Pipestone County flag outside the Pipestone County Courthouse. The county started flying the new flag after a resident offered to pay for it. Photo by Kyle Kuphal

The new state flag now flies outside the Pipestone County Courthouse after Keith Mattson, of Pipestone, requested during the Jan. 28 Pipestone County Commissioner meeting that the old state flag be taken down and he offered to pay for the new flag, which became the state’s official flag May 11, 2024.

He contended that the symbolism of the old flag was unkind and referenced the poem “The Seal of Minnesota” that was written by Mary Eastman, wife of the Seth Eastman, who designed the imagery on the old state flag and seal, which shows a Native American on a horse and a farmer in a field. The first verse of that poem, which can be found at reads as follows:

“Give way, give way, young warrior,
Thou and they steed give way —
Rest not, though lingers on the hills
The red sun’s parting ray.
The rocky bluff and prairie land
The white man claims them now,
The symbols of his course are here,
The rifle, axe, and plough.”
“It’s a poem that really is stating, ‘We’re committing a genocide on you and there’s nothing you can do about it,’” Mattson said.

In contrast, he said the new flag, which is based on a design by Luverne resident Andrew Prekker, was intended to be more inclusive. He said it also resembles the star quilts in Native American culture.

“It’s an honor to receive one and give one,” Mattson said of the star quilts.

The new state flag features a white, eight-pointed star on a dark blue background on the left side. According to the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, the shape of the dark blue area represents the shape of the state and the star mirrors the one on the floor of the rotunda at the Minnesota State Capitol, which was designed by Cass Gilbert. One of the points of the star points north, representing the state’s motto “L’étoile du Nord, which is French for “The Star of the North.” The right side of the flag is a lighter blue that represents water because Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes and is the home of the headwaters of the Mississippi River, Lake Superior and the start of the Great Lakes Basin.

Mattson said he thought the new flag was a beautiful gift from the designer.

“I would like for this town to proudly accept the gift of the new state flag with honor and pride,” he said.

Pipestone County recently replaced this old version of the Minnesota state flag, shown here between the American flag and the Pipestone County flag on the pole outside the Pipestone County Courthouse. Photo by Kyle Kuphal

Commissioner Dan Wildermuth said the county wasn’t opposed to the new state flag, but that they wanted to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars and use up the supply of old flags before purchasing and flying the new one. County Administrator Steve Ewing said nylon flags made for outdoor use cost around $100. Mattson said he would pay for a new flag for the county if the cost was the issue.

“I would happily donate the new state flag,” he said.

Wildermuth suggested that Mattson communicate with Ewing about a donation after the meeting. Ewing said later in the week that he and Mattson had discussed the matter and that he would order a new flag and put it on the flag pole outside the courthouse when it arrived, and Mattson would cover the cost.

In other business, the commissioners scheduled the annual road and bridge hearing for Monday, March 3 at 9 a.m. at the Pipestone County Emergency Services building at 811 Fifth St. S.E. in Pipestone. During that hearing, Pipestone County Highway Engineer Nick Bergman will present information about projects completed last year, projects planned for this year and other road and bridge related topics. Input will be taken from local governmental entities and county residents that will be considered when developing an updated five-year road and bridge plan.